If you would like to become a member of RAPTOR Inc. or renew your membership, please fill out the Membership Form below. Membership payments do not renew automatically. Memberships are good for the current remaining calendar year* (excluding the Lifetime Membership, which is a one-time purchase for life).
*If signing up between September 1st - December 31st, membership will be good for the following calendar year as well.
By joining, you are helping RAPTOR Inc. provide medical care to injured birds of prey and supporting our efforts to educate the public about the importance of these birds to our environment.
We accept PayPal for your convenience and offer some great incentives for increasing your membership level. If you would like to submit your membership amount by check, please fill out the Membership Form below, print it, and mail it to the address below.
Mail Checks to:
961 Barg Salt Run Rd.
Milford, Ohio 45150
* indicates required field